King’s Heart

A transformative 3-month mentorship for men ready to embody their highest potential in love, connection, and inner strength

King’s Heart is designed to help you cultivate authentic masculinity that attracts feminine women, master emotional intelligence for genuine connection, and gain the tools needed for healthy, fulfilling relationships.

What You’ll Gain

  • Embodied Masculinity that naturally attracts feminine women.

  • Emotional Intelligence to create deep, authentic connections.

  • Relationship Tools for building lasting, healthy intimacy.

  • Insight into the Feminine to boost confidence in your romantic relationships.

Limited Enrollment

Limited Enrollment

Discover the power of leading with both strength and heart in King’s Heart.

⁠Weekly Calls: Every week, you and I unravel and expand you into your next level of intimacy and love—unlocking breakthroughs, deepening your love, and up leveling your sensual life.

  • Message Check-ins Between Calls:
    You’ve got my real-time support to keep you on track, answer your burning questions, and keep that momentum blazing.

  • Bonus Classes & Courses:
    Extra, exclusive goodies to supercharge your growth.


per month


One-time fee